U.S. Secret Service
32.230     Able     WHCA Transportation
166.5125   Alpha    Escort and security
165.7875   Baker    Field offices (nationwide)/Pres/VP/VIP Escorts
165.3750   Charlie  Field offices primary/command post (nationwide)
169.9250   Delta    WHCA vans / phone patches / Marine Service Detachment
407.850    Echo     Air Force 1/2 phone patch (uplink)
415.700    Foxtrot  Air Force 1/2 phone patch (downlink)
166.4000   Golf     Field offices (nationwide)(Charlie repeater input)
165.6875   Hotel    WHCA VP staff / White House garage
166.2125   Hotel    Presidential protection
167.900    Hotel    WHCA VP staff / White House garage
166.200    India    Headquarters / Presidential protection
407.925    India    Headquarters / Presidential protection / Treasury
170.0000   Juliet   Camp David paging
167.825    Kilo     Presidential residence (LBJ) phone (duplex)
168.7875   Lima     Presidential residence (LBJ) phone (duplex)
418.125    Lavender WHCA Transportation
165.2125   Mike     Former President and dignitary protection
166.7000   November WHCA White House Staff
164.8875   Oscar    Presidential protection (primary)
164.4000   Papa     Field offices / White House perimeter patrols
166.7000   Quebec   White House staff
166.4000   Romeo    X-Ray repeater input
165.5125   Sierra   WHCA White House Staff / pagers
164.6500   Tango    Field offices / Pres/VP protection
165.0875   Uniform  AF1 Communications
361.600    Uniform  AF1 Communications
164.1000   Victor   WHCA Pres/VP protection
167.0250   Whiskey  Paging
166.4625   X-ray    Treasury common
162.6875   Yankee   Air Force 1/2 phone patch (uplink)
171.2875   Zulu     Air Force 1/2 phone patch (downlink)
415.750  407.875   Green   Training division
415.100  418.325   Black   Training division
414.800            Blue    Training/protective support divisions
415.875            Violet  Training division
415.800            Gray    Protective support division 
415.675  419.075   Gold    Communications division
415.675            Black   Executive protection division
414.950            Orange  Executive protection division
414.850            Tan     Foreign Mission divisions
414.850  418.800   Brown   Uniformed division
415.975  419.725   Red     Foreign Mission/Uniformed divisions
415.650  419.100   Silver  Foreign Mission/Uniformed divisions
418.350  407.750   Gray    Uniformed division
418.775  414.950   Orange  Uniformed division
414.675  418.150   Yellow  Uniformed/Technical security divisions
419.725            Green   Technical security division

Technical security division (special use)
408.000            F1  RF Alarm
411.000            F2  RF Alarm
408.500            F3  Tracker (F1)
408.975            F4  Tracker (F2)
406.2625           Wireless body microphones
407.825            Wireless body microphones
407.875            Wireless body microphones
407.975            Wireless body microphones

Presidential Nighthawk Aircraft Fleet (HMX)

46.750    Helicopter ops/transport (primary)
46.700    Helicopter ops (secondary)
46.800    Helicopter ops (alternate)
34.350    VIP transport net
375.000    Transport 
142.750    Command post
265.800    Squadron common

407.850    408.450   Limousines (local-DC)(duplex)

AF1/2 Orderwire UHF (wideband FM) 

Uplink     Downlink
382.350    326.000   F1
305.550    246.950
336.800    344.000
322.750    366.000
397.050    390.000

407.475    415.800   Nationwide-2 phone patch

Other observed US Secret Service frequencies

