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This file contains many of the radio codes & signals you hear used on the air. The information has been gleaned from many sources and since the only way to get this information is to listen and record what the radio codes and signals are encountered, there may be some differences in what is presented here from what you might believe the code or signals is used for. The data is arranged alphabetically by agency name. You can help in this effort. You can simply click on the link above to submit your information, or you can mail your information to us at: National Communications P.O. Box 291918 Kettering, OH 45429 This information is presented as a research tool courtesy of National Communications Magazine. Remember the site is free for you to use, but then there is really nothing that is free of charge. The magazine supports the web site, so please consider supporting the magazine with a subscription. With an annual subscription of $21.00 you will also receive access to our on-line 4 Million frequency searchable databases. We also have a site dedicated to Trunked Frequencies which is also available to you at no charge.You can look up frequencies by city/state
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============================================================================= BILOXI POLICE SIGNALS: S Accident with injury 49 Man with knife SF Accident with fatality 50 Officer needs assistance (all units) 2 Alarm (explain) 51 D.W.I. 3 Stopping violation 52 Peeping tom 4 Serving warrant 53 Discharging BB/pellet gun 5 Checking vacant house 54 Possession of stolen property 6 Assisting motorist @__________ 55 Prostitution 7 Armed robbery 56 Prowlere 8 Armed robbery in progress 57 Rape 9 Arson 58 Reckless driving 10 Auto theft 59 Resisting arrest 11 Assault & battery w/intent 60 Riot 12 Assault & battery 61 Strong arm robbeery 13 Assault & battery w/instrument 62 Shooting 14 Assault by threat 63 Drowning 15 Bomb scare 64 Suicide 16 Burglary 65 Refuling at service station 17 Burglary in progress 66 Suspicious person/vehicle 18 Cup of coffee at_____________ 67 Theft (explain type) 19 Carrying concealed weapon 68 Trespassing 20 Complaint (explain) 70 Traffic congestion 21 Contibuting to deliquency 71 Violation of liquor laws 22 Checking buildings 72 Medical emergency (explain) 23 Citizen holding subject 73 Animal bite 24 Cutting 74 Animal warden needed 25 Death 75 U.F.O. 26 Demonstration 76 Deliver emergency message 27 Discharging firearms 77 Juvenile problem 28 Discharging fireworks 78 Livestock complaint 29 Disturbing the peace 79 Domestic dispute 30 Drug violation 80 Missing/found child 31 Drunk 81 Mail tampering 32 Drunk & disorderly 82 Accident (other than vehicular) 33 Escape 83 Obscent/harrassing phone calls 34 Fight 84 Lost/found item 35 Parking violation 85 Aircraft crash 36 Fire 86 Civil disturbance 37 Forgery 38 Gambling S87 Followup 39 Hit & run S88 End of tour 40 Impersonating officer S89 City ordinance 41 Indecent exposure S90 State ordinance 42 Abandoned/stripped vehicle S91 Federal violation 43 Kidnapping S92 Out of court 44 Mad animal S93 Confidential information 45 Malicious mischief S94 Direct patrol 46 Man with a gun S95 Walk & talk 47 Mental case S96 911 hangup 48 Murder S97 Infectious disease ============================================================================= BILOXI POLICE DEPARTMENT 10 CODES: 10-1 Receiving poorly-cant copy 10-35 Pursuit in progress (explain) 10-2 Receiving well - signal good 10-36 Confidential information 10-3 Disregard - stop sending 10-37 Meal, uint out at_________ 10-4 Message received 10-38 Go to your home 10-5 Relay/transport 10-39 Call your home 10-6 Busy-stand by 10-40 Someone wants to see____ at____ 10-7 Out of service 10-41 Pick up officer_______ at_______ 10-8 In service 10-42 Officer needs minor assistance 10-9 Repeat, did not understand 10-43 Under control, no help needed 10-10 On minor detail 10-44 Message received by all concerned 10-11 Stay in service 10-45 All units received message 10-12 Officials or guests present 10-46 Unit & officer leaving jurisdiction 10-13 Weather or road information 10-47 Unit & officer returning jurisdict. 10-14 Correct time 10-48 Give radio test 10-15 Have prisoner in custody 10-49 Wrecker need - next in 10-15F Have female prisoner in cust.10-51 _____wrecker, owner's request 10-16 Pick up prisoner at______ 10-52 Ambulance needed 10-17 Rush detail 10-53 Ambulance or wrecker on secne 10-18 Anything for us 10-54 Switch to channel_______ 10-19 No traffic 10-55 Return to channel_______ 10-20 Location 10-57 Escort or convoy 10-21 Call_____by phone 10-60 Next item number 10-22 Report in person to______ 10-61 Prepare to take written statement 10-23 Arrived on the scene 10-62 Teletype traffic 10-24 Completed assignment 10-66 Cancelation of message 10-25 Disregard last transmission 10-69 Next message or item assignment 10-26 Holding subject-rush reply 10-70 Pick up warrant at__________ 10-27 request drivers license info 10-71 Advise phone number to call 10-28 Request registration info 10-99 Officer needs assistance (all units) 10-29 Check for wanted or stolen 10-100 Using bathroom 10-30 Does not conform to rules 10-31 Names of officers in unit? Emergency Equipment Code: 10-32 Return for additional info Code 1 No equipment 10-33 Emergency traffic Code 2 Lights only 10-34 Establish roadblock Code 3 Lights & siren ============================================================================= HANCOCK COUNTY RADIO CODES & SIGNALS: S1 Accident 10-1 Unable to copy S1S Accident with injuries 10-2 Signal is good S1F Accident with fatality 10-3 Stop sending S2 Alarm 10-4 Affirmative S3 Traffic Stop 10-5 Relay/Transport S4 Warrant 10-6 Busy S5 Check Vacant House 10-7 Out Of Service S4S Warrant Serving 10-8 In Service S6 Strandes Motorist 10-9 Repeat S7 Armed Robbery 10-10 Out / Subject To Call S8 Armed Robbery In Progress 10-11 Remain In Service S9 Arson 10-12 Visitor Present S10 Stolen Vehicle 10-13 Road / Subject To Call S11 Assault with Intent 10-14 Correct Time S12 Assault 10-15 Prisoner in Custody S13 Assault with Instrument 10-15F Female Prisoner S14 Assault by Threat 10-16 Pick Up Prisoner At S15 Bomb Threat 10-17 Rush Detail S16 Burglary 10-18 Anything For Us S17 Burglary in Progress 10-19 No Traffic S18 Coffee Break 10-20 Location S19 Carrying Concealed Weapon 10-21 Telephone This # S20 Unknown Problem 10-22 Report in Person To S21 Contrib. to Delinq. of Minor 10-23 Arrived at Scene S22 Building Check 10-24 Assignment Complete S23 Citizen Holding Subject 10-25 Disregard Last Transmission S24 Cutting 10-26 Holding Subject, Rush Reply S25 Death 10-27 Operator needed For Intox. S26 Demonstration 10-28 Registration Information S2641 Helicopter Operations 10-29 Ckeck Stolen/Wanted S27 Discharge Firearms 10-30 Doesn't Conform To Rules S28 Discharge Fireworks 10-31 Advise Officer Name in Unit S29 Disturbing the Peace 10-32 Return For Additional Info. S30 Drug Violation 10-33 Emergency Traffic At S31 Drunk 10-34 Establish Road Block at S32 Drunk & Disorderly 10-35 Pursuit in Progress S33 Escape 10-36 Confidential Information S34 Fight 10-37 Meal at S35 Parking Violation 10-38 Go to Your Home S36 Fire 10-39 Call Your Home S37 Forgery 10-40 Someone Wants to See You S38 Gambling 10-41 Pick Up Officer At S39 Hit & Run 10-42 Officer Needs Minor Assistance S40 Impersonating An Officer 10-43 Under Control No Help Needed S41 Indecent Exposure 10-44 Message Received, All Concern S42 Abasndoned/Stripped Vehicle 10-45 All Units Returning to Coun. S43 Kidnapping 10-46 Unit/Officer Leaving Coun. S44 Mad Animal 10-47 Unit/Offier Returning to Coun. S45 Vandalism 10-48 Give Radio test S46 Man with Gun 10-49 Wrecker Needed S47 Lunacy 10-50 S48 Murder 10-51 WreckerNeeded/Owner Req. S49 Man with Knife 10-52 Ambulance Needed S50 Officer needs Minor Assi 10-53 Ambulance/Wrecker En Route S51 Drunk Driver 10-54 Switch to Channel S52 Peeping Tom 10-55 S53 Discharge BB/Pellet Gun 10-56 Return to Channel S54 Possession of Stolen Prop. 10-57 Escort or Convoy S55 Prostitution 10-58 Advise Case # and Times S56 Prowler 10-59 S57 Rape 10-60 Next Item S58 Reckless Driver 10-61 Prepare/Take Written Statement S59 Resisting Arrest 10-62 S60 Riot 10-63 Possible Ncic Hit or Warrant S61 Strong Arm Robbery 10-64 S62 Shooting 10-65 S63 Drowning 10-66 S64 Suicide 10-67 S65 Refueling 10-68 S66 Suspicious Person/Vehicle 10-69 Next Message/Assignment S67 Theft 10-70 Pick Up Warrant/Assignment S68 Trespassing 10-71 Advise Phone # to Call S70 Traffic Congestion 10-80 Off Duty/Subject to Emerg. Call S71 Violation of Liquor Laws 10-90 Trouble in Jail Respond S72 Medical Emergency 10-99 Officer Needs Emergency Assistance S73 Animal Bite Call Signs S74 Animal Warden Needed A=Adam S75 UFO B=BOY S76 Emergency Message C=Charles S77 Juvenile Problem D=David S78 Livestock Complaint E=Edward S79 Domestic Dispute F=Frank S80 Runaway/Missing Person G=George S81 Mail Trampering H=Henry S82 Industrial Accident I=Ida S83 Obscene/Harassing Calls J=John S84 Lost/Found Items K=King S85 Aircraft Accident L=Linclon S86 Civil Dispute M=Mary S87 Stalking N=Nora S88 Harassment O=Ocean S89 Fraud P=Paul S911 Unknown Violation Q=Queen S912 Probation Violation R=Robert S913 Malicious Mischief S=Sam S914 Repossession of Vehicle T=Tom S915 Illegal Hunting/Fishing U=Union S916 Molestation/Chilfd Abuse V=Victor S917 Illegal Dumping W=William S918 911 Hang Up X=Xray S919 Open Vehicle W=William S920 Recovered Property Y=Young S921 Flooding Z=Zebra S926 Welfare Concern S927 Explosion/Bomb ============================================================================= MISSISSIPPI HIGHWAY PATROL RADIO CODES: 10-1 Unable To Copy 10-41 Telephone Patch Sub-Station 10-2 Signals Good To Sub-Station 10-3 Affirmative-Granted 10-42 Clear 10-41 10-4 Message Received 10-44 Message Received By All 10-5 Relay 10-45 All Units Acknowledge Messag J1--Personnel 10-50 Accident J2--Property J1--Property Damage 10-6 Busy, Stand By J2--Injuries 10-8 In Service J3--Hit & Run--With Injuries 10-9 Repeat 10-51 Wrecker Needed, Send Owners 10-10 On Minor Detail, Call Request 10-11 Remain In Service 10-52 Ambulance Needed 10-12 Visitors/Officials Present 10-53 Wrecker/Ambulance On The Way 10-13 Weather & Road Conditions 10-55 Reported, Driving While 10-14 Correct Time Intoxicated (DWI) 10-15 Have In Possession 10-59 Convoy Or Escort J1--Personnel 10-60 What Is Next Item Number? J2--Property 10-62 Teletype Traffic J3--Prisoner 10-63 Any Answer Our Number? J4--Papers 10-65 Net Message Or Item Assig. 10-16 Pick Up (J1, J2, etc.) 10-66 Cancellation 10-17 Urgent, Rush Present Detail 10-68 Dispatch Information 10-18 Anything For Us? 10-69 Stations ____ Carry This 10-19 Nothing For You--No Traffic Message 10-20 Location 10-82 Reserve Hotel Room J1--Direction Of Travel 10-87 Pay Checks Out 10-21 Call by Phone 10-88 Advise Phone Number To Call J1--Immediately Officer 10-22 Report In Person To 10-89 Advise Technician (needed Or 10-23 Arrived At Scene will arrive) 10-24 Finished W/Last Assignment 10-90 Radar Has Been Calibrated 10-25 Disregard Last Information 10-91 Too Weak, Talk Closer 10-26 Holding Subject, Rush Reply 10-92 Too Loud, Talk Farther 10-27 Operator Or Officer On Duty 10-93 Frequency Check 10-28 Full Registration Info. 10-94 Give Test 10-29 Check Records For Wanted J1--With Voice Emergency Or Unusual J2--Without Voice 10-30 Doesn't Conform To Rules & Regulations/Unable To Handle 10-33 Emerg. Traffic This Station 10-34 Trouble At Station/Help 10-35 Major Crime Alert 10-36 Confidential Information 10-40 Request Permission To Come On Line And Talk To Unit CODE 1 All Traffic Will Cease On The Designated Channel (in the case of emergency traffic--the statewide channel) CODE 2 All Units Assigned To Station Using This Code Will Switch To The Statewide Channel And Await Further Instructions. All Car To Car And Use Of The Statewide Channel Will Cease CODE 3 Emergency Traffic Pertaining To Involvement Of Law Enforcement Officers (shootings, etc.) CODE 4 Bank Robbery Or Armed Robbery (manhunt and roadblocks in progress) CODE 5 Escaped Criminal (manhunt and road blocks in progress) CODE 6 Natural Disaster CODE 7 Murder, Rape, Kidnap And Any Major Criminal Act (manhunt and roadblocks in progress) CODE 8 Investigate And Proceed With Caution CODE 9 Bomb Threat CODE 10 Travel To Destination (pack suitcase for 3 days minimum and report to designated location as soon as possible) CODE 11 Airplane Crash CODE 12 Structure Fire CODE 13 Hijacking CODE 14 Request Permission To Talk Car To Car CODE 15 Hazardous Spills--Rail, Highway And River CODE 16 Trooper Getting Out Of The Patrol Cruiser To Check A Vehicle Involved In A Traffic Violation ============================================================================= MISSISSIPPI STATEWIDE CODES: 10-35 Returning To Station 10-69 Message For All Units 10-36 Traffic Stop 10-70 Burglary 10-40 Emergency Traffic Only 10-71 Fire 10-41 Trouble At Station 10-72 Suicide 10-42 Crime In Progress 10-73 Bomb Threat 10-43 Person With Gun 10-74 Rape 10-44 Fight 10-75 Armed Robbery J1--Fight With Knife 10-76 Homicide J2--Fight With Gun 10-77 Shooting 10-45 Major Crime Alert 10-78 Unknown Trouble 10-46 Alarm 10-79 Deceased Person J1--Bank Alarm 10-82 Suspicious Circumstances J2--Burglar Alarm 10-83 Stopping Suspicious Person J3--Robbery Alarm 10-84 Stolen Vehicle 10-47 Disturbance 10-85 Theft J1--Domestic Problem 10-86 Missing Person 10-48 Prowler 10-87 Paychecks Available 10-49 Meet Complainant 10-89 Radio Check 10-50 Traffic Accidents 10-90 Illegal Use Of Radio J1--No Injuries 10-91 Civil Disturbance J2--Injuries 10-92 Mental Case J3--Hit & Run 10-93 Observe Area J4--Emergency Vehicle 10-94 Pursuit In Progress 10-57 Direct Traffic 10-95 In Possession 10-58 Illegal Parking 10-95 Prisoner in Custody 10-60 Item Number 10-96 Remain In Service 10-61 Copy Message 10-97 Any Traffic For This Unit? 10-62 Teletype Traffic 10-98 Return To Regular Channel 10-63 Detaining Subject 10-99 Switch Channels 10-64 All Units Acknowledge 10-67 Message Received =============================================================================