Radio Codes & Signals -- Quebec


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This file contains many of the radio codes & signals you hear used on the air. The information has been gleaned from many sources and since the only way to get this information is to listen and record what the radio codes and signals are encountered, there may be some differences in what is presented here from what you might believe the code or signals is used for. The data is arranged alphabetically by agency name. You can help in this effort. You can simply click on the link above to submit your information, or you can mail your information to us at: National Communications P.O. Box 291918 Kettering, OH 45429 This information is presented as a research tool courtesy of National Communications Magazine. Remember the site is free for you to use, but then there is really nothing that is free of charge. The magazine supports the web site, so please consider supporting the magazine with a subscription. With an annual subscription of $21.00 you will also receive access to our on-line 4 Million frequency searchable databases. We also have a site dedicated to Trunked Frequencies which is also available to you at no charge. You can look up frequencies by city/state You can look up frequencies by frequency/state You can print up the list of frequencies You can email a search to yourself to use in Excel or Scancat


Montreal Fire Department 10 Codes

10-1    Go ahead                     10-25  Need inspector on scene
10-2    Repeat                       10-26  Call to all units
10-3    Cancel                       10-27  Not available
10-4    Roger                        10-28  Alarm company required
10-5    In service                   10-29  Location of replacement unit
10-6    Off the air                  10-30  Need security officer on scene
10-7    Working fire                 10-31  Need environment service
10-8    Under control                10-32  How do we access call location
10-9    Help fully involved          10-33  Roads department
10-10   Fire is out                  10-34  Need ambulance on scene
10-11   Out 1 hour                   10-35  Police required
10-12   2nd alarm                    10-36  Hydro required
10-13   3rd alarm                    10-37  Gas officials required
10-14   4th alarm                    10-38  Do you require gas
10-15   5th alarm                    10-39  Radio check
10-16   Enroute                      10-40  Where did the call come from
10-17   On scene                     10-41  Unavailable to respond
10-14   4th alarm                    10-42  Need Social Service on scene
10-18   Investigating                10-43  BPC or toxic material on scene
10-19   False alarm                  10-45  Need of health security office
10-20   Give your location           10-50  Priority asked
10-21   Give location of call        10-52  Use channel 2 (412.4875)
10-22   Service not required         10-53  Use channel 3 (413.2625)
10-23   Call by phone                10-54  Use channel 4 (412.4875)
10-24   Did you copy                 10-55  Change your status on the computer
                                     10-80  Structure is abandoned
                                     10-90  Structure is dangerous
                                     10-100 Do not use lights or siren
                                     10-101 Do not use radio


Montreal Police Department Codes:

001   Murder                         465  Meet towing
006   Attempt murder                 481  Abandoned child
018   Armed robbery (hold up)        486  Danderous excavation
021   Robbery of a person            491  Broken wire
022   Break in of a building         492  Drug activity
026   Stolen car                     499  Unfounded call
032   Stolen bicycle                 555  Radar operation
033   Break in of a car              600  Traffic control ticket
034   Pick pocket                    601  Traffic control operation
035   Thief, Miscellaneous           607  Bomb call
041   Recel                          608  Bomb found
042   Fraud                          609  Noise call
050   Illegal gamaing                610  Trouble call
054   Armed suspect                  611  Public Manifestation
055   Explosive found                612  Workers manifestation
061   Suspect researched (warrant)   613  Meet, help
065   Indecent act                   615  Fire call
071   Vandalism                      616  Expulse suspect from scene
073   Criminal effraction            617  People in need
111   Hit & run                      618  People lost
116   D.U.I.                         619  Mental person
204   Sexual assault                 620  Person to advise
211   Assault on a police officer    621  Unconscious person found
212   Assault                        622  Prisoneer escort
214   Kidnapping                     626  Abandoned car found
222   Visit of control               630  Damage to property
250   Riot                           631  Animal bite
255   Explosion                      632  Dead, injured or lost animal
316   D.U.I. test                    637  Abandoned bicycle found
333   Call refers to_______          638  Fight
401   Burglar alarm                  641  Stolen license plate
402   Hold up alarm                  645  harasment/threats
403   False alarm                    655  Gas leak
409   Shots fired                    699  Not found
426   Car without registration       807  10-7 with a citizen
444   Public place verification      901  Person injured/sick
445   Private place verification     902  Person found dead
455   Dangerous substance            903  Missing person report (x = child)
                                     922  Suicidal attempt
                                     999  Call without percision


10-1   Oil/gas stop                  10-13  Suspect in custody/transporting
10-2   Lunch                         10-14  At range
10-3   In need of mechanics          10-15  At carwash
10-4   O.K.                          10-16  Message
10-5   In service                    10-17  Towing needed
10-6   Repeat last message           10-18  Call/report to station
10-7   Officer needed help/in danger 10-20  Involves an accident
       all usits respond immediately 10-21  In uniform
10-8   Off duty                      10-24  Proceed with caution
10-9   Give your location            10-25  Pirvate information to follow
10-10  Cancel last message           10-27  Go to channel 7
10-11  In direction                  10-36  Cancel 10-7, 10-37
10-12  On scene                      10-37  On walkie-talkie or computer


Montreal West Fire Department 10 Codes

10-00   General alarm                10-13  Under control
10-01   Go ahead                     10-14  Service not required
10-02   Repeat                       10-15  Available at scene
10-03   In service                   10-16  En Route - back
10-04   Roger                        10-17  False Alarm
10-05   En route                     10-18  Time Check
10-06   On scene                     10-19  Police required
10-07   Out of service               10-20  Give your location
10-08   Fire at ...                  10-21  Call by phone
10-09   Medical call at ...          10-22  Possibility of arson
10-10   Service call at ...          10-23  Senior officer required
10-11   Request volunteers at scene  10-24  Hydro required
10-12   Mutual aid required          10-25  Ambulance required
                                     10-26  Gas officals required


Quebec Ministry of Fish & Game

10-01   We listen                    10-30  Emergency message
10-02   Report your message          10-31  Check occupation of the zone
10-03   Call your office             10-32  Location or zone to be checked
10-04   Understood                   10-33  Excessive noise
10-05   Stand by                     10-34  Roberry
10-06   Silent time                  10-35  Vandalisme
10-07   Out of the air               10-36  Drunk
10-08   Back on the air              10-37  Missing
10-09   What is your position        10-38  Expulsion of zone site
10-10   All stations                 10-39  Problem with forestry
10-11   Park in a strategic area     10-40  Helping car owner
10-12   Need help & backup           10-41  Excessive speed
10-13   Check driver license         10-42  Car accident
10-14   Noting on file               10-43  Light injury or sickness
10-15   Order to seize               10-44  Serious injury or sickness
10-18   Last channel (channel 6)     10-45  Dead
10-19   vehicule put away            10-46  Dangerous camp fire
10-20   Break Time                   10-47  Forest fire
                                     10-56  Cancel last message


Quebec Provincial Police

10-01   We listen                    10-13  Do you have a file for:
10-02   Repeat your messeage         10-14  Nothing on file
10-03   Cancel last message          10-16  Preleminary report on accident
10-04   Understood                   10-17  Road condition
10-05   Accident no injury           10-18  Out of car
10-06   Accident with injury         10-19  Back in car
10-07   Hold up                      10-21  Backup needed
10-08   Park your car (hold up)      10-22  out of car for investigation
10-09   What is your position        10-23  Call your station by telephone
10-10   A.P.B.                       10-25  Out of car for lunch
10-11   Stop car note for a lookout   2-34  Drunk driver
10-12   Plate identification          2-36  Drunk driver with accident


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