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This file contains many of the radio codes & signals you hear used on the air. The information has been gleaned from many sources and since the only way to get this information is to listen and record what the radio codes and signals are encountered, there may be some differences in what is presented here from what you might believe the code or signals is used for. The data is arranged alphabetically by agency name. You can help in this effort. You can simply click on the link above to submit your information, or you can mail your information to us at: National Communications P.O. Box 291918 Kettering, OH 45429 This information is presented as a research tool courtesy of National Communications Magazine. Remember the site is free for you to use, but then there is really nothing that is free of charge. The magazine supports the web site, so please consider supporting the magazine with a subscription. With an annual subscription of $21.00 you will also receive access to our on-line 4 Million frequency searchable databases. We also have a site dedicated to Trunked Frequencies which is also available to you at no charge.You can look up frequencies by city/state
You can look up frequencies by frequency/state
You can print up the list of frequencies
You can email a search to yourself to use in Excel or Scancat
============================================================================= Codes & Signals used in the State of North Dakota: 10-1 Unable to copy, change loc. 10-52 Ambulance needed 10-2 Signals good 10-53 Road blocked 10-3 Stop transmitting 10-54 Livestock on highway 10-4 Acknowledgement 10-55 Intoxicated driver 10-5 Relay 10-56 Intoxicated pedestrian 10-6 Busy, stand-by unless urgent 10-57 Hit & run F, I, P 10-7 Out of service 10-58 Direct Traffic 10-8 In service 10-59 Convoy and/or escort 10-9 Repeat 10-60 Squad in vicinity 10-10 Fight in progress 10-61 Personnel in area 10-11 Dog case 10-62 Reply to message 10-12 Stand-by (Stop) 10-63 Prepare to make written copy 10-13 Weather & road report 10-64 Message for local delivery 10-14 Report of prowler 10-65 Net message assignment 10-15 Civil disturbance 10-66 Message cancellation 10-16 Domestic trouble 10-67 Clear to read net message 10-17 Meet complainant 10-68 Dispatch information 10-18 Complete assignment quickly 10-69 Message received 10-19 Return to:___________ 10-70 Fire alarm 10-20 Location 10-71 Advise nature of fire 10-21 Call________by telephone 10-72 Report progress of fire 10-22 Disregard 10-73 Smoke report 10-23 Arrived at scene 10-74 Negative 10-24 Assignment completed 10-75 In contact with 10-25 Report in person to (meet) 10-76 En route 10-26 Detaining subject, expedite 10-77 ETA 10-27 Drivers license information 10-78 Need assistance 10-28 Vehicle registration info. 10-79 Notify coroner 10-29 Check records for wanted 10-80 Pick up prisoner at__________ 10-30 Illegal use of radio 10-81 Pick up papers at____________ 10-31 Crime in progress 10-82 Reserve lodging 10-32 Man with gun 10-83 We have prisoner in custody 10-33 Emergency 10-84 If meeting______advise ETA 10-34 Riot 10-85 Will be late 10-35 Major crime alert 10-86 Message delivered 10-36 Correct time 10-87 Pick up checks for distribution 10-37 Investigate suspicious veh. 10-88 Advise present tel. # of_______ 10-38 Stopping suspicious vehicle 10-89 Juvenile trouble 10-39 Urgent, use light & siren 10-90 Bank alarm 10-40 Silent run, no light & siren 10-91 Unnecessary use of radio 10-41 Beginning tour of duty 10-92 Officer now at home 10-42 Ending tour of duty 10-93 Blockade 10-43 Information (aksing/supply) 10-94 Drag racing 10-44 Request perm. to leave patrol 10-95 Surveillance (stake out) ________for________ 10-96 Mental subject 10-45 Animal carcass in road 10-97 Narcotics 10-46 Assist motorist 10-98 Prison or jail break 10-47 Emergency road repairs needed 10-99 Records indicate wanted/stolen 10-48 Traffic standard needs repairs 10-49 Traffic light out 10-50 Accident -- F,I,P 10-51 Wrecker needed =============================================================================