Radio Codes & Signals -- Texas


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This file contains many of the radio codes & signals you hear used on the air. The information has been gleaned from many sources and since the only way to get this information is to listen and record what the radio codes and signals are encountered, there may be some differences in what is presented here from what you might believe the code or signals is used for. The data is arranged alphabetically by agency name. You can help in this effort. You can simply click on the link above to submit your information, or you can mail your information to us at: National Communications P.O. Box 291918 Kettering, OH 45429 This information is presented as a research tool courtesy of National Communications Magazine. Remember the site is free for you to use, but then there is really nothing that is free of charge. The magazine supports the web site, so please consider supporting the magazine with a subscription. With an annual subscription of $21.00 you will also receive access to our on-line 4 Million frequency searchable databases. We also have a site dedicated to Trunked Frequencies which is also available to you at no charge. You can look up frequencies by city/state You can look up frequencies by frequency/state You can print up the list of frequencies You can email a search to yourself to use in Excel or Scancat


10-43  Switch To Channel B            10-82  Attempt Suicide
10-46  Disable Vehicle                10-90  Burglar Alarm
10-48  Repair Traffic Sign            10-96  Mental Case
10-65  New Assignment                 10-100 Request Time For Meal
10-67  Clear For Message              10-101 Out For Meal
10-75  Traffic Stop                   10-102 Maximum Units Out
10-78  Officer Needs Help             10-107 Stand By To Copy
10-79  Request JP                     10-108 Obtain Report


Station Codes:
01  Your Office                       17  City Claim Agent
02  His Office                        18  City Payroll
03  Dispatch Office                   19  County Tax Office
04  Computer/Teletype                 20  Lake Office
05  Records                           21  City Vehicle Pound
06  Jail/Blocking                     22  AMH Emergency Room
07  Complaint Desk                    23  Car Wash
08  Basement Area                     24  City Garage
09  Police Parking Lot                25  Sub-Station #1
10  Municipal Court                   26  Arlington Stadium
11  Your Residence                    27  ACH Emergency Room
12  Gas Pump                          28  Crime Analysis
13  Radio Stop                        29  Vadergriff Park
14  Detective Division                30  Civil Defense Office
15  City Manager's Office             31  Police Training Center
16  City Secretary

Disposition Codes:
1   Offense Report                    5   Incident Report
2   Accident Report                   6   Service Call
3   Arrest Report                     7   Cancel Call
4   Continuation                      8   No Contact

Signal Codes:
01  Abandoned Property                31  Fight
02  Abandoned Vehicle                 32  Fire
03  Accident (minor/delayed)          33  Fireworks
04  Accident (major)                  34  Injured Person/Hospital Report
05  Accident (hit & run)              35  Indecent Exposure/Other
06  Animal Ordinance Violation        36  Vacation Check
07  Assault                           37  Investigation
08  Rape/Attempted Rape               38  Prisoner Transfer
09  Assist Motorist                   39  Lost Child
10  Assist Officer                    40  Lunch
11  Assist Traffic                    41  Meet Complainant
12  Bomb Threat                       42  Meet Other
13  Burglary Alarm                    43  Missing Person
14  Burglary (residence)              44  Dead Animal
15  Burglary (commercial)             45  Open Door/Window
16  Burglary (vehicle)                46  Other
17  Burglary (in progress)            47  Parking Violation
18  Deceased Person                   48  Person With Gun
19  Cutting                           49  Vehicle Left
20  Demented                          50  Vehicle Recovery
21  Coffee Break                      51  Prowler
22  Disturbance                       52  Radar
23  Disturbance (domestic)            53  Rest Room
24  Drag Racing/Speeding              54  Robbery
25  Drowning                          55  School Crossing
26  Drugs/Narcotics                   56  Shooting
27  Drunk                             57  Special Assignment
28  Warrant Service                   58  Suspicious Person
29  Write Reports                     59  Theft
30  Escort                            60  Vandalism

Arlington Radio System Photos ============================================================================= ATHENS UNOFFICIAL RADIO SIGNAL CODES: 01 Accident (minor/delay) 08 Burglary Alarm 14 Fight 43 Stolen Property 59 Police Escort 72 Stalled Vehicle 81 Missing Person Station Codes: 12 East Texas Medical Center 13 Officer's Residence 14 Police Department 18 Henderson County Jail ============================================================================= AUSTIN CODES: 10-8-1 Report Filed 10-8-6 No Report 10-8-2 Supplemental Report 10-29-1 Traffic Warrant 10-8-3 Unfounded 10-29-2 Misdemeanor Warrant 10-8-4 False Call 10-29-3 Felony Warrant 10-8-5 Civil Matter ============================================================================= DALLAS COUNTY SHERIFF CODES: 10-0 Caution 10-50 Accident 10-1 Unable To Copy 10-51 Wrecker Needed 10-2 Signal Good 10-52 Ambulance Needed 10-3 Stop Transmitting 10-53 Road Blocked At ____ 10-4 Acknowledgment (OK) 10-54 Livestock On Highway 10-5 Relay 10-55 Intoxicated Driver 10-6 Busy-Unless Urgent 10-56 Intoxicated Pedestrian 10-7 Out Of Service 10-57 Hit & Run 10-8 In Service 10-58 Direct Traffic 10-9 Repeat 10-59 Convoy Or Escort 10-10 Fight in Progress 10-60 Squad In Vicinity 10-11 Dog Case 10-61 Personnel In Area 10-12 Stand By (stop) 10-62 Reply To Message 10-13 Weather--Road Report 10-63 Prepare Make Written Copy 10-14 Prowler Report 10-64 Message For Local Delivery 10-15 Civil Disturbance 10-65 Net Message Assignment 10-16 Domestic Problem 10-66 Message Cancellation 10-17 Meet Complainant 10-67 Clear For Net Message 10-18 Quickly 10-68 Dispatch Information 10-19 Return To ----- 10-69 Message Received 10-20 Location 10-70 Fire Alarm 10-21 Call ---- By Phone 10-71 Advise Nature Of Fire 10-22 Disregard 10-72 Report Progress Of Fire 10-23 Arrived At Scene 10-73 Smoke Report 10-24 Assignment Completed 10-74 Negative 10-25 Report In Person (meet) 10-75 In Contact With _____ 10-26 Detaining Subject--Expedite 10-76 Enroute ______ 10-27 Drivers License Information 10-77 ETA(estimated Time Of Arrival) 10-28 Vehicle Registration Info 10-78 Need Assistance 10-29 Check For Wanted 10-79 Notify Coroner 10-30 Unnecessary Use Of Radio 10-80 Chase In Progress 10-31 Crime In Progress 10-81 Breathalyzer Report 10-32 Man With Gun 10-82 Reserve Lodging 10-33 EMERGENCY 10-83 Work School X-ing At ____ 10-34 Riot 10-84 If Meeting ____ Advise ETA 10-35 Major Crime Alert 10-85 Delayed Due To _____ 10-36 Correct Time 10-86 Officer/Operator On Duty 10-37 Investigate Suspicious Vehc. 10-87 Pick-Up/Distribute Checks 10-38 Stopping Suspicious Vehicle 10-88 Present Telephone No. Of ___ 10-39 Urgent--Use Lights/Siren 10-89 Bomb Threat 10-40 Silent Run--No Lights/Siren 10-90 Bank Alarm At _____ 10-41 Beginning Tour Of Duty 10-91 Pick-Up Prisoner/Subject 10-42 Ending Tour Of Duty 10-92 Improperly Parked Vehicle 10-43 Information 10-93 Blockade 10-44 Permission To Leave __ For __ 10-94 Drag Racing 10-45 Animal Carcass At _____ 10-95 Prisoner/Subject In Custody 10-46 Assist motorist 10-96 Mental Subject 10-47 Emergency Road Repair At ___ 10-97 Check (test) Signal 10-48 Traffic Standard Repair At ___ 10-98 Prison/Jail Break 10-49 Traffic Light Out At ____ 10-99 Wanted/Stolen Indicated ============================================================================= DALLAS POLICE CODES: CODE 1 Routine Assignment--Normal Response CODE 2 Urgent Assignment--No Longer Authorized CODE 3 Emergency Assignment--Use Red Lights & Siren CODE 4 Disregard Previous Instructions Or Assignment CODE 5 En Route CODE 6 Arrived CODE 10 Known offender CODE 10C Known dangerous offender CODE 10W Felony warrant CODE 10X Stolen vehicle Police Signals: DH Drug House 34 Suicide 2 Witness 35 Emergency blood transfer 3 Hang up call 36 Abandon child 4 911 Hang up 37 Street blockage 6 Disturbance 38 Meet complainant 6G Random gunfire 39 Racing, speeding 6X Major disturbance 40 Other 7 Minor accident 41-40 Kidnapping in progress 7X Major accident 41 Felony 8 Drunk 42 Pursuit 9 Theft 44 Person in danger 11 Burglary 50 Eat 12 Burglar alarm 51 Coffee 13 Prowler 52 City court 14 Cutting 53 County court 15 ASSIST OFFICER 54 Escort 16 Injured person 55 Traffic violation 18 Fire alarm 56 Out to station 19 Shooting 57 Out to garage 20 Robbery 58 Routine investigation 21 Holdup alarm 59 Follow-up investigation 22 Animal complaing 60 Special assignment 23 Parking violation 61 Foot patrol 24 Abandoned property 62 Public service 25 Criminal assault 63 Cover element 26 Missing person 64 Radio shop 27 Dead person 65 Use telephone 28 Sick person 66 End duty tour 29 Open building 67 Monitor radio 30 Prisoner 41-20 Robbery in progress 31 Criminal mischief 41-25 Criminal assault in progress 32 Suspicious person 41-40 Kidnapping in progres 33 Poisoning ============================================================================= EL PASO POLICE DEPARTMENT CODES AND SIGNALS 10 CODES: 10-1 Receiving poorly 10-17 Papers 10-2 Receiving well 10-20 Location 10-4 Acknowledged 10-22 Cancel last message 10-6 Busy-unless urgent 10-27 Wanted 10-7 Out of service 10-28 Check registration 10-8 In service 10-29 Check wanted/stolen 10-9 Repeat 10-49 Transport to _____ 10-10 Out of service for 15 minutes 10-97 On the scene 10-15 Arrest (in custody) 10-98 Traffic warrants 10-16 Transport prisoner 10-99 Criminal warrants SIGNALS: 5 Bomb Threat 81-83 Hit & run 6 Explosion 84 Traffic hazard 12 Civil problem 85 Receive information 14 Illegal aliens 88 Drunk driver 37 Traffic stop 90 Drunk subject 48 Alarm 96 Traffic control 58 Family fight B-2 Go to station 65 Deceased person B-11 Go to court 81 Vehicle accident B-12 Go to garage CODES: Code 1 Normal speed, no emergency equipment Code 2 Increase speed, no emergency equipment Code 3 Fast, sale, all emergency equipment (lights & siren) Code 10 Use caution! ============================================================================= FORT WORTH & TARRANT COUNTY CODES: 10-10 Out Of Service 10-51 Owner Requests Wrecker 10-12 Visitors Present 10-52 Request Rotation Wrecker 10-14 Escort 10-53 Assignment To License Check 10-15 Prisoner In Custody 10-54 Assist Repair Of Traffic Sign 10-16 Meet Officer At ____ 10-55 Assignment To Radar Detail 10-17 Pick Up Papers 10-57 Assignment To School Crossing 10-18 Any Message For Us? 10-80 Phone Residence 10-19 No Messages 10-81 Phone Office 10-22 Go To _____ 10-82 Phone Dispatcher 10-25 Personnel On Duty 10-83 Phone Desk Officer 10-26 Detaining Subject 10-84 Phone Detective Office 10-30 Arrived At Jail W/Prisoner 10-85 Pick Up _____ 10-31 Request Medical Examiner 10-95 Give Radio Test 10-34 Trouble At Station--Need Help 10-96 Request Radio Technician 10-35 Assist 10-97 Request To Switch Channels 10-36 Assist Police Unit 10-98 Switch To Channel ____ 10-50 Request Police Wrecker Signals: 1 Accident-Minor 38 Suspicious Person 2 Accident-Major 39 Suspicious Vehicle 3 Hit & Run 40 Theft Investigation 4 Assault 41 Abandoned Vehicle 5 Sexual Assault 42 Open 6 Abandoned Bicycle 43 Coffee Break 7 Burglar Alarm--Silent 44 Court 8 Burglar Alarm--Audible 45 Canceled Call 9 Burglar In Building 47 Escort 10 Burglary Investigation 48 Flat Tire 11 Stabbing 49 Garage 12 Deceased Person 50 Information 13 Mental Case 51 Investigation 14 Disturbance 52 Loose Livestock 15 Domestic Disturbance 53 Malicious Mischief 16 Dog Bite 54 Meet _____ 17 Rabid Dog 55 Missing Person 18 Dog Ordinance Violation 56 Open Door 19 Intoxicated Person 57 Open Window 20 Intoxicated Person Down 58 Robbery Alarm 21 Intoxicated Person In Vehicle 59 Out To Headquarters 22 Intoxicated Driver 60 Stolen Car 23 Fight 61 Other 24 Gang Fight 62 Unit Secured 25 Fire 63 Back Up Officer 26 Report To Hospital 64 Citizen Called For Police 27 Injured Person 65 Vacation Check 28 Meet Ambulance 66 Business Check 29 See Complainant 67 Possible Burglary In Progress 30 Parking Violation 68 Robbery Alarm 31 TV--On View 69 Radar Detail 32 Person With Gun 70 Follow-Up 33 Pick Up Prisoner 71 Accident On Private Property 34 Prowler 72 Drag Racing 35 Prowler Attempting To Break In 73 Interpreter 36 Robbery 75 Tactical Call-Out 37 Shooting 99 Out Of Vehicle
Fort Worth Radio System Photos ============================================================================= HOUSTON FIRE DEPARTMENT CODES: 10-8 In Service At Home 10-38 Request Relief Crew 10-10 In Service On Radio 10-40 Request Police/Crowd Control 10-12 On Pager 10-41 Request One Police Unit 10-15 Correct Time 10-42 Request Two Police Units 10-16 Pick up Prisoner Or Witness 10-43 Assist 10-17 Hazmat Team 10-50 Deceased Person 10-20 At Fire Alarm Building 10-51 Request Body Car 10-24 Request Arson Investigator 10-52 Request Public Info Officer 10-30 Request Fire Prevention Offc. 10-85 En Route To Hospital 10-33 Request Police Traffic Control 10-87 Arriving At Hospital 10-34 Obtain Information 10-81 Fire Administration HQ 10-35 Request Photographer 10-97 Arrived At Scene 10-36 Request Wrecker 10-98 Units On Incident Switch F-9 10-37 Request Mechanic AIRPORT CODES: 1 Minor Problem B 21-75 Souls On Board 2 Major Problem C 76-260 Souls On Board 3 Aircraft Crash D More Than 260 Souls On Board A 1-20 Souls On Board SIGNALS: 1-7 Recall Off Duty Personnel 4-11 Fourth Alarm 2-11 Second Alarm 5-11 Fifth Alarm 3-11 Third Alarm ============================================================================= HOUSTON POLICE CODES: 10-10 Negative 10-32 --Units Needed 10-11 ____ On Duty 10-33 Officer Needs Help 10-14 Message 10-34 Correct Time 10-15 Message Delivered 10-40 Subject Detained-Expedite 10-16 Reply To Message 10-48 Request Criminal History 10-17 En Route To _____ 10-71 Officer Needs Assistance 10-18 Urgent 10-72 Officer Safety Check 10-19 In Contact 10-73 Are You OK? 10-26 Estimated Time Of Arrival 10-97 Known Offender 10-30 Danger--Use Caution 10-98 Criminal History Indicated 10-31 Pick Up ============================================================================= LUBBOCK EMS CATEGORIES: 1 Abdominal pain 19 Heart problems 2 Allergies/hives/med reactions 20 Heat/cold exposure 3 Animal bites 21 Hemorrhage 4 Assault/rape 22 Industrial accident 5 Back pain 23 Overdose/poisioning 6 Breathing problems 24 Pregnacy 7 Burns 25 Psychiatric 8 CO/inhalation/hazardious material 26 Sick person 9 Cardiac/respiratory arrest 27 Stab/gunshot 10 Chest pain 28 Stoke/CVA 11 Chocking 29 Traffic accident 12 Convulsions/seizures 30 Traumatic injury 13 Diabetic problems 31 Unconcious/fainting 14 Drowning/diving accident 32 Unknown problem 15 Electrocution 33 Emergency transfer 16 Eye problems 34 Emergency infant transfer 35 Non-emergency transfer LUBBOCK EMS CODES: Code 1 No lights or siren Code 2 Lights only, no sirens (must be authorized by law enforcement) Code 3 Lights & siren 211 One additional ambulance needed 311 Two additional ambulances needed 411 Three addlitional ambulances needed N1 Call Unfounded N2 Duplicate call N3 Patient refused N4 Treatment accepted/transportation refused N5 EMS refuses to transport N6 Patient treated/assisted - not transported LUBBOCK EMS SIGNALS: 1 Radio transmission unreadable 18 Phone EMS dispatch, non-urgent 2 Radio transmission loud & clear 19 Phone EMS dispatch, urgent 3 Fire department needed 20 Police needed, non-urgent 4 JAWS needed 21 Police needed, urgent 5 Out for meal 22 Justice of the peace needed 6 Busy, not subject to call 23 Arrived on scene 7 Away from radio, subject to call 24 Private ambulance needed 8 Crew going off duty 25 Private ambulance for dead body 9 En-route for fuel 26 Mental patient 10 En-route for maintenance 27 Possible dead body 11 En-route to call 28 Dead body 12 Out at specific hospital 29 Injury code minor 13 Dangerous situation 30 Injury code moderate 14 Request for on duty shift chief 31 Injury code serious 15 Request for call service number 32 Injury code critical 16 Intoxicated 33 Injury code extremely critical 17 Non-EMS rider 70 Fire department needed 71 JAWS needed ============================================================================= LUBBOCK FIRE DEPARTMENT SIGNALS & CODES: 10-1 Poor signal 10-10 Out of service (subject to call) 10-2 Good signal 10-12 Stand-by 10-4 Acknowledge (OK) 10-13 Weather conditions 10-5 Relay 10-14 Assignment completed 10-6 Busy 10-19 Return to station 10-7 Out of service 10-20 Location 10-8 In service 10-21 Call by telephone 10-22 Disregard 10-50 Traffic accident ============================================================================= LUBBOCK POLICE DEPARTMENT SIGNALS & CODES: Signal One = Immediate Assistance Needed Signal Four = No Further Assistance Needed 10-1 Poor signal 10-50 Traffic accident with injuries 10-2 Good signal 10-51 Wrecker needed 10-3 Stop transmitting 10-52 Ambulance needed 10-4 Acknowledge (OK) 10-55 Intoxicated driver 10-5 Relay 10-56 Intoxicated pedestrian 10-6 Busy 10-57 Hit and run accident 10-7 Out of service 10-58 Direct traffic 10-8 In service 10-59 Escort 10-9 Repeat 10-67 Prepare to copy 10-10 Fight in progress 10-74 Negative 10-12 Stand-by 10-76 In route 10-13 Weather conditions 10-81 Breathalyzer requested 10-14 Prowler/suspicious person 10-84 Checking officer status 10-15 Disturbance 10-85 Prepare to copy information 10-16 Domestic disturbance 10-87 Dead body 10-17 Meet complainant 10-91 Pick up prisoner 10-19 Return to PD 10-92 Parking violations 10-20 Location 10-95 Prisoner in custody 10-21 Call by phone 10-96 Mentally deranged/demented person 10-22 Disregard 10-97 Possible wanted person in vehicle 10-23 Arrived at location 10-99 Wanted person/stolen vehicle 10-24 Assignment completed 10-25 Meet person Accident Codes: 10-27 Drivers license info. Code C Minor injuries 10-28 Vehicle information Code B Moderate injuries 10-29 Check for wanted person/veh. Code A Serious-critical injuries 10-30 Unnecessary radio traffic Code K Fatality (Code K sometimes used for non-traffic deaths) ============================================================================= PASADENA POLICE TEN CODES: 10-1 Poor signal, did not copy 10-23 Enroute to call 10-2 Good signal 10-26 ETA 10-4 Affirmative; yes 10-27 Request DL information 10-6 Busy 10-28 Request RTS info (vehicle reg.) 10-7 Out of service 10-29 Check records for warrants/stolen 10-8 In service 10-33 Emergency 10-9 Repeat 10-41 (DPS) Beginning tour of duty 10-12 Disregard 10-42 (DPS) Ending tour of duty 10-19 (FD) Tap out or disregard 10-50 Vehicle accident 10-20 Location 10-55 DWI 10-21 Telephone 10-98 Criminal history indicated 10-22 Disregard 10-99 Warrants/stolen indicated 7-1 (Houston FD) Tap out fire ============================================================================= SHERMAN POLICE RADIO CODES AND SIGNALS: 10-0 Use Caution 10-51 Wrecker needed 10-1 Unable to copy 10-52 Ambulance needed 10-2 Signal good 10-53 Road Blocked 10-3 Stop transmitting 10-54 Livestock on road 10-4 Acknowledgement, O.K. 10-55 Intoxicated driver 10-5 Relay message 10-56 Intoxicated Pedestrian 10-6 Busy unless urgent 10-57 Hit & Run 10-7 Out of service 10-58 Direct traffic 10-8 In service 10-59 Escort 10-9 Repeat 10-60 Squad in vicinity 10-10 Fight 10-61 Personnel in area 10-11 Dog case 10-62 Reply to message 10-12 Stand-by 10-63 Prepare to make written copy 10-13 Weather-road report 10-64 Message to deliver 10-14 Prowler report 10-65 Next message 10-15 Civil disturbance 10-66 Message cancel 10-16 Domestic problem 10-67 Clear for next message 10-17 Meet complainant 10-68 Dispatch information 10-18 Quickly 10-69 Message received 10-19 Return to______ 10-70 Fire alarm 10-20 Location 10-71 Nature of fire 10-21 Call____by phone 10-72 Progress of fire 10-22 Disregard 10-73 Smoke report 10-23 Arrived at scene 10-74 Negative 10-24 Assignment completed 10-75 In contact with______ 10-25 Meet with_______ 10-76 In-route 10-26 Detaining subject-expedite 10-77 E.T.A. 10-27 Drivers License information 10-78 Need assistance 10-28 Registration information 10-79 Notify coroner 10-29 Check for wanted/stolen 10-80 Pursuit in progress 10-30 Unnecessary use of radio 10-81 Breathalizer report 10-31 Crime in progress 10-82 Reserve lodging 10-32 Man with gun 10-83 Work school crossing 10-33 Emergency 10-84 If meeting______advise 10-34 Riot 10-85 Delay due to______ 10-35 Major crime alert 10-86 Officer on duty 10-36 Correct time 10-87 Pickup & distribute checks 10-37 Suspicious vehicle 10-88 Telephone number of_______ 10-38 Stopping suspicious vehicle 10-89 Bomb threat 10-39 Urgent - use lights & siren 10-90 Alarm 10-40 Silent - no lights & siren 10-91 Pick up prisoner 10-41 Beginning tour of duty 10-92 Improperly parked vehicle 10-42 Ending tour of duty 10-93 Blockade 10-43 Information 10-94 Drag racing 10-44 Permission to leave 10-95 Prisoner in custody 10-45 Animal carcass 10-96 Mental subject 10-46 Motorist assist 10-97 Test signal 10-47 Emergency road repair 10-98 Prison/jail break 10-48 Traffic light repair 10-99 Wanted/stolen indicated 10-49 Traffic light out 10-100 Nature call 10-50 Accident ============================================================================= TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY: 10-40 Expedite--Subject Detained 10-73 Advise Current Status 10-41 Beginning Tour Of Duty 10-81 Breathalyzer Needed 10-42 Ending Tour Of Duty 10-86 Officer On Duty 10-43 Request Criminal History 10-95 Subject In Custody 10-54 Silent Pursuit 10-96 Mental Subject 10-55 Intoxicated Driver 10-97 Known Offender 10-56 Warrant Indicated 10-98 Criminal History Indicated 10-71 Officer Needs Assistance 10-99 Wanted/Stolen Indicated 10-72 Check For Safety Of Officer =============================================================================

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