VHF/UHF Scanner Bands & Search Ranges With Modes & Search Steps
30-50 low band NFM land mobile communications
33.42-33.98@.020 fire/emergency
37.02-37.42@.020 police
39.02-39.98@.020 police
42.02-42.94@.020 state police
44.62-46.58@.020 police/state police/fire/ambulance
50-54 6 meter ham NFM amateur radio with some repeaters
50.00-54.00 52.525 main simplex
54-72 television WFM TV channels 2-4
59.75 Ch 2 audio
65.75 Ch 3 audio
71.75 Ch 4 audio
72-76 paging/links NFM paging
76-88 television WFM TV channels 5-6
81.75 Ch 5 audio
87.75 Ch 6 audio
88-108 FM broadcast WFM broadcast radio
88.1-107.9@.200 in odd steps
108-137 aircraft band AM aviation communications
108-118@.100 beacons
118-137@.025 communications
137-144 US military/
Canadian Police NFM great opportunities near the border
144-148 2 meter ham NFM amateur radio with many repeaters
145.110-145.490@.020 repeaters
146.520 main simplex
146.610-147.390@.015 or .020 repeaters
148-174 high band NFM land mobile/marine/weather
153.740-154.445@.015 fire/ambulance
154.650-156.210@.015 police/ambulance
156.250-157.425@.025 marine
158.730-159.210@.015 police
161.650-161.775@.025 Canadian weather
162.400-162.550@.025 Weather
174-216 television TV channels 7-13
179.75 Ch 7 audio
185.75 Ch 8 audio
191.75 Ch 9 audio
197.75 Ch 10 audio
203.75 Ch 11 audio
209.75 Ch 12 audio
215.75 Ch 13 audio
216-222 DIG digital land mobile
222-225 220 ham band NFM amateur band with some repeaters
225-406 military aircraft AM military aviation band
406-420 federal NFM
420-450 70 cm ham NFM Amateur radio with many repeaters
440.025-449.975@.025 repeaters
446.000 main simplex
450-470 UHF band NFM land mobile
453.050-453.975@.025 police/fire
460.025-460.500@.025 police
460.525-460.625@.025 fire
462.950-463.175@.025 ambulance
470-512 UHF T band NFM land mobile in major metro areas
great opportunity near large cities
470-806 UHF television WFM UHF TV channels
806-956 800 band NFM trunked and cellular
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