Old Owner's Manuals for Scanners

   We have literally hundreds of owners manuals for current and older  
   models of scanners.  The manuals cover the Electra/Bearcat, Uniden/
   Bearcat, Fox, Regency, Sears, Montgomery Ward and Realistic scanners.

   The cost of the manual is $5.00 plus a $1.00 for shipping and handling.
   You can see which manuals we have by clicking on the 
   MANUALS button and you can also order on line by clicking on the
   ORDER MANUAL link or by sending a self addressed stamped envelope
   to the following address:
                    Hobby Radio Stop
                    P.O. Box 291849
                    Kettering, OH  45429

    You need to include the following information with your mail-in order:
    Brand  (i.e. Uniden/Bearcat)
    Model Number  (i.e. BC120XLT)


Order Form

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